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Redhead pussy cum 26 Feb 2011 | 05:42 pm

Redhead pussy cum I know it on. Oh, just look up the party she know where youve gone. Feng Shui Flowers, the type of their white button-down school blouses to be able to be such an annoying idiot. Don...

Bosso ke mang? 23 Apr 2012 | 04:16 am

Who's Boss? This question has gone viral on social networks with every second tweet and every third status update  asking “Bosso ke Mang?” Many see this question as an invitation to audition to their ...

pod2g gives us a status update on iOS 5.1 jailbreak 31 Mar 2012 | 08:43 am

When iOS 5.1 launched alongside Apple’s new iPad earlier this month, we saw three different jailbreak methods quickly surface. But it seems like the trail has since gone cold, as we haven’t heard any ...

newfoundlove 11 Jun 2011 | 06:28 am

i think i got tired of waiting for signs from MK...she would always give conditions (in her FB status) that annoys me...we rarely have common time in the office and I rarely see her...and now, after 9...

Long Time No Update This Blog!~ 14 Nov 2011 | 02:06 am

CiaoSsu Minna-Sama!!!~ Lme dh aku x update blog niey... yela gone kn... "BUSY".... skunk aku dh dpt rehat ntah bper lme... so nk "RENOVATE" lar pulak... (gelak annoying orange)

FORMAL BLAZER 23 Aug 2010 | 02:58 am

O LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE THIS: Material: Nylon+Cotton FIts: S(UK6-8),M(UK8-10),L(UK10-12) Status(4 pieces each size): Size S-Last piece! Size M-ALL GONE! Size L- 2 pieces Price: RM62

Latest Buick Enclave CUV plug-in hybrid version in 2011 20 Aug 2010 | 10:18 am

Latest Buick Enclave CUV plug-in hybrid version in 2011 Photos Bob Lutz has gone on almanac annoying about Buick's announcement campaign, arguing that the messaging doesn't say the appropriate things...

10-14 charges: fuel cell for mobile & Co. 10 May 2012 | 05:43 am

“Charger connected” status is the one message that smartphone owners can see almost every day. This is especially annoying if you are traveling and do not have access to a power outlet. The first port...

3 org paling annoying abad ini 1 Dec 2010 | 07:53 pm

1. desperate sgt mencari cinta time takde bf, asyik tulis status mengeluh dkt fb. bila dh ada bf, kecoh psl nak gi dating kat fb. bila break up, mula balik status mengeluh dkt fb. bila pegi kenduri ka...

Commissions Status: On Hold! 18 Jun 2009 | 09:10 am

[indent] Due to varying circumstances, Notifications have already gone out that I am finishing projects with my current clients and putting mt schedule temporarily on hold. If you're still waiting to...

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