Most bar school related news are at:
Go Where the Jobs Are! 13 Jun 2013 | 11:50 pm
The U.S. economy changes faster than the New York Mets line-up , but there are sectors that seem to hold [...]
Why Bartending Jobs are Secure, No Automation or Out Sourcing 23 Jul 2012 | 05:26 am
The recent recession has made it difficult for many unemployed people to find jobs in their field. The one area where employment opportunities are growing are in the service industry. These type of jo...
More bar school related news:
I had the pleasure of judging a cocktail comp on my last day in... 10 Mar 2013 | 07:48 pm
I had the pleasure of judging a cocktail comp on my last day in Montreal with local drinks aficionado, Fanny, at her bar school and kitchen, Atelier & Saveur. While all of the drinks I tried were exce...
Chapitô the clown bar school in Lisbon 9 Jan 2013 | 12:57 pm
The Alfama district of Lisbon is a place full of surprises and secrets. Not only is it probably the most emblematic neighborhood of the Portuguese capital but its unique landscape and old houses align...
Beer Sommeliers Study Up For New Bar Trend 19 Aug 2013 | 08:51 pm
Much like their wine-enthusiast counterparts, beer sommeliers are making their way up the ranks in this certifiable bar trend. But how can you tell the pros from the cons? Bar Trend Breeds Bar School...
Startowa 17 Dec 2011 | 08:24 am
InBIT - Grupa edukacyjna InBIT, Wyższa Szkoła Integracji Europejskiej oraz Szczecin International School od lat ściśle współpracują ze sobą. Działają jako oddzielne podmioty na rynku edukacyjnym. W r...
Hotel-Bar 18 Sep 2008 | 03:48 am
In den Berliner Stadtteilen, in die einst zwar zu Sanierungszwecken Subventionsmilliarden flossen, in denen die Gehwege aber nach wie vor marode sind, entstehen immer mal wieder Lokale, die synthetisc...
Paloma Bar 22 Sep 2008 | 09:49 pm
Der Schnulzhit von der weißen Taube (Paloma Blanca), mit dem George Baker 1975 weltberühmt wurde, passt perfekt zur Paloma Bar. Auch sie ist kaum zu ertragen. Nein, im Ernst. Zu einem Besuch in der mi...
Fuchsbau 17 Sep 2008 | 05:34 am
In einem Fuchsbau bilden Fuchsfamilien Schlaf-Gemeinschaften. Nicht so im Fuchsbau in Kreuzberg. Die Bar ist keine Baumhöhle, kein Versteck, sondern ein minimalistischer Laden zum Café und Bier trinke...
Vegetarian Light Cooking 14 Feb 2012 | 02:13 am
Do you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or arthritis? Are you trying to lose weight? Would you like to sleep better at night, look better in your clothes, perform better at work or school? ...
Royals do it too – take their kids out of school and travel the world! 15 Nov 2010 | 06:27 am
“We just want to take a break and to experience the world and other cultures and people together with our children”, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Mette-Marit of Norway told the press the other day...
Our friends took the leap and are now full time travelers! 7 Sep 2010 | 02:16 am
So, finally they’re on the road! Our friends, the Reichert family, have now left old jobs and schools behind them and are now full time travelers! After having dreamed about it, talked about it and wo...