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どきどき☆スイーツ・パニック(その3-4) 16 Jul 2011 | 11:14 pm

というわけで、実夏は、ちっとも片づかない書類整理の合間合間に、レムから渡されたメモを片手に、学園内部、そして近隣のコンビニを徘徊する羽目になった。 「だいたい、この辺りのコンビニの品揃えはおかしい。いつ行ってもデザートの棚が空だもの」 今夜もまたスイーツ狩りに駆り出された実夏が、レムに託されたクーラーボックスを肩から掛け直しながら口をとがらせると、千世が冷静に分析した。 「夏休みで生徒が減っ...

どきどき☆スイーツ・パニック(その3-3) 5 Jul 2011 | 12:14 am

学園の夜空は、とかく厄介事の絶えないこの場所において、実夏が手放しで賞賛できる、数少ない事物のひとつだった。 場所が山の上で、周囲に明かりが少ないおかげで、転校前に住んでいた町とは比べものにならないくらい、たくさんの星が見える。夜空が星で明るいという現象を、実夏はここへ来て初めて体験した。 「見て、千世。今夜は満月だよ」 実夏が星空を仰ぎながら呼びかけると、いつも通り斜め後ろに付き従っていた...

More black templar shield related news:

Ork Fluff: campaign league battle reports 6 Feb 2010 | 04:16 am

In the campaign we gained extra points for fluffy battle reports... below are a collection of these. My first battle was against the Black Templars as I made planetfall, this battle report details a C...

Life on Death Row: Black Templar Allies in 6th 4 Dec 2012 | 10:18 pm

Things look bleak for Black Templars these days. Their current codex is ancient and strictly non-competitive in a tournament setting as the main army.  All the rumors point to the BT getting a White D...

Black Templarised Huron and Claudio 27 Feb 2013 | 05:33 pm

Eeesh, I've not updated the blog in a while (check out our facebook page for more frequent updates). Anyway, I recently converted up a Forgeworld Lugft Huron into a Black Templar marshal, and a Claud...

Ethllia am "cute black dresses" 12 Mar 2013 | 11:44 am

shield their hair and their throat can center 1 in the lengthy winter scarves more than their head. They are able to bring the ends towards the front, cross them and throw them more than their shoulde...

Black Templars: March’s Painting Progress 3 May 2013 | 12:47 am

 That's right, March. April was so Tau-focused that I completely forgot to post what I'd painted in March on my Black Templars army. First, a group of Sword Brethren Assault Terminators.  I did note t...

Black Templars: Venerable Dreadnought 24 May 2013 | 08:05 pm

I finally got around to finishing my Venerable Dreadnought for the Independent Characters painting challenge; he only took me a month and a half to finish (although to be fair, April was a crazy month...

Life on Death Row: Black Templar Allies in 6th 4 Dec 2012 | 10:18 pm

Things look bleak for Black Templars these days. Their current codex is ancient and strictly non-competitive in a tournament setting as the main army.  All the rumors point to the BT getting a White ....

July’s Templar Project – Complete! 1 Aug 2013 | 12:30 am

I have lots of Games Day pictures to go through and post, but in the meantime I wanted to post the next installment of my Black Templar painting challenge progress. This month, I had a pair of Land Sp...

Black Templars Armageddon Crusade Banner 6 Jul 2013 | 09:19 pm

Hey guys, Here is my newest full sized banner! Black Templars Armageddon Crusade Banner. Full Sized Black Templars Armageddon Crusade Banner Armageddon Heraldy of Helbrecht and the Black Templars...

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