Most community management summit 2011 related news are at: – BVCM - Bundesverband Community Management - Für digitale Kommunikation und Social Media | Der Bundesverband Community Management e.V. (BVCM) verfolgt den Zweck, das Thema Community und Social Media Management Management und die Berufsgruppe der Online Community und Social Media Manager sowie deren Interessen wirkungsvoll in der Öffentlichkeit zu vertreten.

More community management summit 2011 related news:

Gartner Customer Relationship Management Summit 2011 – Highlights 16 Mar 2011 | 11:53 pm

Gartner Says the Use of Social CRM for Customer Service Will Grow Rapidly Over the Next Two Years (8th March 2011) Gartner Announces Winners of the 201...

Upcoming: Gartner Outsourcing & Vendor Management Summit 18 Mar 2011 | 12:14 am

Gartner Outsourcing & Vendor Management Summit 2011 (9/12 - 14, Orlando) provides an in-depth exploration of the significant developments and trends shaping vendor and strategic sourcing management pr...

Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter on the kards? 14 Feb 2012 | 02:33 am

Beat 'em up fans, it might interest you to know that Mortal Kombat Co-Creator Ed Boon and Capcom Community Manager Seth Killian hung out during the DICE Summit interactive entertainment conference...

Junk Free Jobs for Oct. 13, 2011 13 Oct 2011 | 05:25 pm

Writer for Annual Guide Part-time, freelance position helping create copy for annual community guide publishing in early 2012. Community Manager We are a well-funded startup looking for a top-notch...

Feliz Día del Community Manager. Os esperamos en el #cmday Barcelona! 25 Jan 2011 | 01:04 am

Barcelona, 24 de Enero de 2011 #cmday Barcelona: Celebración del Día del Community Manager en Barcelona El 4to lunes de Enero de cada año se celebra el Dí­a de Community Manager. En Barcelona se ha ...

Curso Online Especialización en Community Management organizado por Telefónica Learning Services y certificado por AERCO 5 Jan 2011 | 01:17 am

Actualización: Ya hay una segunda convocatoria para el 21/02/2011 AERCO junto con Telefónica Learning Services lanzan la primera edición del Curso online certificado de Especialización en Community M...

Bangalore, Zinnov Management Consulting, a leading globalization advisory firm, is 30 May 2012 | 12:37 pm

Bangalore, Zinnov Management Consulting, a leading globalization advisory firm, is organizing the most awaited event of the year – its Annual India Conference, titled ‘Globalization Summit 2011′at The...

Curators, la relève des community managers 24 Jan 2011 | 11:41 pm

Le curator, c’est quoi ? Alors que  « community manager » s’éteint, 2011 voit apparaître un nouveau métier bidon : curator. Un commissaire d’exposition ! un conservateur de musée ou de bibliothèque ...

PSG = Pas Savoir Gérer (son community management) 23 Dec 2011 | 05:02 am

Bon et bien voilà, j’attendais ce moment depuis longtemps… En fait depuis Mai 2011. Rappel des faits : je suis père et supporter du PSG depuis que je suis gamin, je ne vais plus au stade depuis que j’...

Mehr Zeit fürs Geschäft gewinnen. Mit Windows Intune. 29 Mar 2011 | 11:00 am

Seit dem 23. März ist Windows Intune, die cloud-basierte Lösung für die PC-Verwaltung auch in Deutschland verfügbar. Dies hat Microsoft auf dem Microsoft Management Summit (MMS) 2011 bekannt gegeben.

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