Most fighting but not icing related news are at:

7 things my iPhone taught me today… 27 Jul 2013 | 02:22 am
This morning my iPhone was totally fine one minute. Then? I went to text someone about an upcoming call, and…Nothing. Wouldn’t turn on at all! FINALLY got it to come alive, but then it was telling me...
If I had to choose…I’d take…um… 22 May 2013 | 08:07 pm
I do think that the ultimate is to kiss with the truth. But there have been times, I know, when my intention to do so has felt more like a slap. I have certainly been the one slapped with the truth a...
More fighting but not icing related news:
Would You Fight This Ninja? 1 Nov 2011 | 11:13 am
Would You Fight This Ninja? This ninja is standing in front of sign that says "Fight Me", which leads to a very unexpected situation for those who take up the challenge.
Anatoly Bardin on resting and ice hockey 19 Jul 2011 | 12:50 am
Accompanied by his wife, Anatoly Bardin, the successful general manager of the Russian hockey club Avantgard Omsk, visits the famous spa town of Karlovy Vary year after year. The man who in the late s...
A Drug Rehabilitation Facility That Fights For Your Recovery 27 Apr 2011 | 11:31 am
Drug rehabilitation saves lives. Whoever you are, however hopeless you believe your drug abuse problem to be, a private drug rehabilitation program from an exclusive drug rehabilitation facility reall...
. . . . Ciao, pluvian troat 6 Sep 2007 | 08:55 pm
The king is dead. No, not that king, this one. Luciano’s fight is over. Never again shall his voice fill our ears and hearts. He has become a legend and shall be heard in the booming of thunder, in t...
FIght CISPA 30 Apr 2012 | 07:25 pm
This is a line for line parody of the Gettysburg Address. Now is the time to keep fighting for our freedoms on the Internet. Learn more at and
The Avengers 7 May 2012 | 04:54 am
Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. forms the Avengers which is a team of super humans including Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America. This team’s duty is to fight against Loki and his army to...
More glorious and more dread than from no fall 2 Jul 2006 | 07:16 pm
Mee though just right, and the fixt Laws of Heav'n Did first create your Leader, next, free choice, With what besides, in Counsel or in Fight, Hath bin achievd of merit, yet this loss Thus farr at lea...
Gilles Gard: “Getting back on top form” 26 Nov 2011 | 06:13 am
Ten years after his first combat against cancer, Gilles Gard is continuing to fight in his own way. Behind the handlebars, the native of the Aveyron region in France will be attempting to conquer the....
Omaha Ice Cold Decks 5 Sep 2010 | 02:00 pm
Last year I published some magic decks for Texas Hold"em Poker, today I had a crack at finding similar decks for Omaha Poker...
Hold'em Ice Cold Decks 5 Oct 2009 | 01:00 pm
I was wondering if it is possible to stack a deck so that no matter which way it is cut, the winning hand is always dealt to the dealer. This would be fun to use as a magic trick, to be able to consis...