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More georgia tax center related news:
Tax Return Georgia 6 Jul 2011 | 12:09 am
Tax Return Georgia All individuals are required to file tax returns every year regardless of what state or country they are in. This is of course, for the benefit of the country and its residents as w...
GEORGIA TAX GUIDE 6 Jul 2011 | 12:01 am
GEORGIA TAX GUIDE FOR INDIVIDUALS If you are planning to move to Georgia, get a job in the state, or already a resident of Georgia, one of the things you need to know about the place and residing in i...
Georgia tax fund – Exceeding The Competition 11 Mar 2011 | 02:21 am
Georgia Tax Refund Client Testimonial I went to H&R Block for 3 years. They were very expensive and never got much back…Just enough to cover their bill and a couple hundred left over. When I went to W...
IRS Sets Up Hurricane Victim Tax Center 25 Jan 2006 | 11:52 am
The IRS has set up a bew hurricane victim tax center to help answer questions about tax breaks and benefits.
Seminar International Taxation – Beneficial Owner 12 Jan 2013 | 03:58 pm
Ada yang berminat belajar pajak international ? Ikutan Seminar tentang Beneficial Owner di DDTC yukk. Berikut ini Infonya : DANNY DARUSSALAM Tax Center proudly presents Seminar on International Taxati...
Georgia youth center renamed for Jackie Robinson 17 Mar 2013 | 11:47 pm
Cairo honors legacy of hometown hero, breaks ground on renovated field. The Jackie Robinson Boys & Girls Club will be more than a center for baseball, but also a community center for change. The renam...
Peresmian Tax Center di UKDW 5 May 2013 | 09:00 pm
Sebagai bentuk pelayanan di bidang pendidikan, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) senantiasa mengembangkan pelayanan dalam bidang edukasi bagi masyarakat. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah de...
Info Seminar TP : Mutial Agreement Procedures (MAP) and Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) 20 Jun 2013 | 07:16 am
DANNY DARUSSALAM Tax Center proudly presents Seminar on Transfer Pricing June 27, 2013 Transfer Pricing Audit and Dispute Resolution: Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP) and Advance Pricing Agreements (...
TAX CENTER STEI 30 Nov 2012 | 07:12 am
TAX CENTER STEI KEGIATAN YANG TELAH DILAKUKAN Salah satu tujuan dibentuknya TAX CENTER adalah Penyuluhan Pajak pada Masyarakat, oleh karena itu TAX CENTER STEI bekerjasama dengan bagian PPM STEI tel...