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Završen Ultra Europe Split i Hvar 16 Jul 2013 | 04:59 am

Proteklog vikenda Split i Hvar bili su domaćini najvećeg festivala elektronske muzike – Ultra Music, koji se od ove godine održava i u Evropi! Više od šezdeset hiljada mladih iz celog sveta (karte su ...

Aktuelna sniženja u Srbiji 27 May 2013 | 09:16 pm

Sniženja su uvek aktuelna prilikom smena godišnjih doba, ali i smena starijih i novih kolekcija, koja su zapravo i najzanimljivija. Garderoba i obuća zahvaćena ovim sniženjima, još uvek je aktuelna, n...

More google rs related news:

How you feel the new design of Google+? 13 Apr 2012 | 03:55 am

How you feel in the new look of Google+?Any way happy and better social networking for Google-rs.The search engine giants social network Google+ is on fire in their new look version.The Google-rs said...

Pingvin doneo više rezultata na engleskom 1 May 2012 | 10:51 pm

Najnoviji Google Pingvin apdejt, doneo je velika pomeranja u rezultatima za veliki broj upita. Međutim, osim promena o kojima se uveliko priča, kod lokalnih rezultata na primetio sam još jed...

PunBB skin za forum + kodiranje 26 Jul 2013 | 07:42 pm

Zahtev: Skin za forum + kodiranje Veličina: PunBB Boje: Crna, tamno-crvena, kao krv x) Slike i linkovi: Tekst: We are not alone... Dodatni resur... 5 Dec 2012 | 12:10 pm

Postovani korisnici, Trenutno sajt ne funkcionise, mi tu ne mozemo nista da ucinimo jer ne posedujemo google. Privremeno resenje je da promenite u dok .rs do...

Google mobile app to identify people’s faces 1 Apr 2011 | 01:09 am

You meet someone in the restaurant and want to know his/her personal profile. You don’t even have to ask him. Just take your mobile phone and snap...

Read Google News in a Timeline 24 Mar 2011 | 08:52 pm

Google News is a great place for finding out the happenings around the globe from a variety of sources.  But all those news stuff could be somewhat...

Test your knowledge of world geography with Google maps game 22 Mar 2011 | 08:12 pm

Google maps offers a fun feature called “Where in the world” game which lets you test your knowledge of world geography by challenging you to...

IE8以下にもレスポンシブWebデザインを適応する際に注意した事(LESSも使う) 10 May 2012 | 05:24 pm

IE8以下はMedia Queriesに対応していないので、css3-mediaqueries.jsを使ってみる。 なとどして [...]

Quest to own Colin Laird on Google 6 Mar 2011 | 12:53 am

Tweet Open Letter to all Colin Lairds of the World. Hey Colin Laird, Nice name – I hope that it has served you well.  Just to let you know, from this day forward, I hereby vow to own my (your name)...

Channel NewsAsia SPECIAL Feature: PurpleClick Media on Clickability 16 Nov 2011 | 08:35 pm

PurpleClick (3 years running Top Digital and Search Agency, First and Only appointed by Google, Yahoo and Baidu in SEA) shares on Online Marketing, Internet Advertising, Search Engine Marketing, Searc...

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