Most novel crocodile monkey related news are at:

Ms. Engaged :) 6 Aug 2013 | 11:44 am
Well, it's been a while, I being away from my space. Although I missed the "Moments" (the blog) a lot but something or the other kept me occupied. So, now am back and that too with a good and a BIG ne...
Inspirational........ 29 May 2013 | 05:22 pm
More novel crocodile monkey related news:
Zombie Talk with Corey Redekop, author of Husk (ECW Press) 6 Oct 2012 | 08:45 pm
Yesterday, I sat in front of my computer, and, as luck would have it, so did Corey Redekop. We spent the next half hour talking about Husk, the follow up to his biblio-rrific novel Shelf Monkey. Husk ...
Wacky Guide To Titling Your Novel 22 Feb 2012 | 06:47 am
as stolen from link: How To Name Your First Novel : Monkey See : NPR. If Your First Novel Will Be A Busted Romance [ANY OF THE SEVEN DWARFS]: A Love Story If Your First Novel Will Be A Harrowi...
Book It, Monkey-O 28 Aug 2006 | 01:50 pm
Following Nicole’s lead, I’ve answered the 10-book challenge. 1. A book that changed my life: The one that I’m trying to write. No, it’s not the great American novel. It’s not a novel at all. If I...
Code Monkey Save World 22 Apr 2013 | 07:26 pm
About a week ago my friend Greg Pak and I announced a secret project we’ve been working on called Code Monkey Save World. It’s a graphic novel based on characters from a few JoCo songs, and we’re fund...
The Monkey and The Crocodile 23 Jul 2013 | 12:37 am
Once upon a time, a clever monkey lived in a tree that bore juicy, red rose apples. He was very happy. One fine day, a crocodile swam up to that tree and told the monkey that he had traveled a long di...
Tuesday's "12 Monkeys TV show, Fight Club sequel, The Professionals movie and Russian Hot in Cleveland" news 23 Jul 2013 | 12:08 pm
Doctor Who A returning enemy for the 50th anniversary special [spoilers] Comics Fight Club sequel to be a graphic novel Film The Professionals to be adapted New writers for Star Trek 3 Film cas...
Elmore Leonard (1925-2013) 20 Aug 2013 | 10:38 pm
We here at the Monkey sadly note the passing of a great American author, Elmore Leonard. If you haven't read his novels (and you should have), you've probably at least heard of some of the movies base...
The Monkey Pod Tree From Chapter 46 20 Jun 2013 | 11:02 pm
I mention a Monkey pod tree in my novel, Penniless Hearts and wanted to share some of the interesting facts associated with this particular tree. It has many names but people often call it a Rain...