Most python re related news are at:

cliff — Command Line Interface Formulation Framework — version 1.4.3 16 Aug 2013 | 09:57 pm
cliff is a framework for building command line programs. It uses setuptools entry points to provide subcommands, output formatters, and other extensions. What’s New In This Release? More stdout encodi...
cliff — Command Line Interface Formulation Framework — version 1.4.2 14 Aug 2013 | 08:17 pm
cliff is a framework for building command line programs. It uses setuptools entry points to provide subcommands, output formatters, and other extensions. What’s New In This Release? Fix an issue with ...
More python re related news:
Python - Re-tag FLAC Audio Files (Update Metadata) 29 Mar 2013 | 02:35 am
I had a bunch of FLAC (.flac) audio files together in a directory. They are from various sources and their metadata (tags) were somewhat incomplete or incorrect. I managed to manually get all of the ...
Motorbike Racer Gets Lucky 15 Sep 2011 | 05:48 am
Motorbike Racer Gets Lucky During the Manx GP this year, the rider ahead crashes and his bike goes up in flames, the rider we're onboard with goes through the resulting fireball and somehow misses the...
What Makes 3by400 Different? 5 Nov 2011 | 01:55 am
Experience The company principals have combined five decades of business process and technology management and design experience. We're not just a couple of recent college grads with no grounding in ...
Vous donner l’heure juste Chers Clients 24 Mar 2010 | 08:08 am
À ma dernière visite comme représentante de ma compagnie le 19 mars dernier; j’ai vu de mes yeux au Pharmaprix de Trois-Rivières sur le boulevard des Forges, plusieurs de nos colliers dans un panier d...
Top 20 Tips To Keep Your System Faster 26 Oct 2011 | 09:51 pm
Top 20 Tips To Keep Your System Faster Follow these tips and you will definitely have a much faster and more reliable PC! 1. Wallpapers: They slow your whole system down, so if you're...
Drug Rehabilitation Taken Seriously The First Time Has A Better Chance At Succeeding 15 Sep 2011 | 05:27 am
Drug rehabilitation isn’t a spectator sport. On the contrary, drug abuse is a personal problem, and drug rehabilitation programs can only succeed by virtue of personal effort. If you’re serious about ...
Le vendredi 13 Juin 2008, j’ai reçu le diagnostic d’un cancer de l’utérus, et le médecin voulait que je me fasse opérer. J’ai répondu « absolument pas! » Alors, j’ai commencé à vouloir guérir ma malad...
A perfect day in Kreuzberg - A short guide 28 Jul 2009 | 02:34 am
It isn't that easy finding the best places in Kreuzberg, especially when you're here for the first time. The reason is that there are too many interesting and cool places around here, you just won't m...
Rockettheme Modulus Template - Display Component Not Working. 31 Aug 2011 | 09:48 pm
We're working on a new Joomla 1.7 website for a client using Rockettheme Modulus template, on the home page we didn't want to display the content component, Modulus has an on - off switch for turning ...
Faites briller vos cheveux ! 25 Sep 2011 | 11:03 pm
La dernière tendance en matière de cheveux, c’est d’avoir une chevelure brillante de santé. Rien de très nouveau puisque les coiffeurs professionnels ont toujours eu pour mission de faire briller la c...