Most secondary data related news are at:

Silent Features of An Effective Advertisement 20 May 2010 | 08:23 pm
The consumers may not be conscious of the availableness of various goods in the market. The absence of information about goods is a good hindrance in the way of consumers buying them. The advertisemen...
What Do You Mean By 4 P’s Of Marketing? 20 May 2010 | 08:23 pm
There are various elements that constitute a marketing programme of an organization. Marketing mix is linked with the culmination of all these components or factors. The key elements, which come under...
More secondary data related news:
Primary & Secondary Data – What’s The Difference? 18 May 2010 | 08:25 pm
Primary research entails the use of immediate data in determining the survival of the market. The popular ways to collect primary data consist of surveys, interviews and focus groups, which shows that...
比算命還準的資料探勘: 從次級資料(Secondary Data)來看 Big Data 6 Jun 2013 | 11:53 pm
訪來客計劃是有一段很長很長的故事, 甚至這故事可以回溯到四年前之前的 "樂生療養院" 事件, 但這個以後再說, 若說是有近因是我要做 "" 的臉書版之前的練習是真的, 但與其說是透過 Home Brew 來做學習, 應該說這是一個臉書上的 Data Mining 的實作, 尤其是在看到 2007~2008 年流行的 "Friend Wheel" 時, 我來想說這種計算朋友之間的 ...
Casamento em 11/11/11 é disputado por noivos asiáticos 12 Nov 2011 | 03:36 am
Milhares de casais asiáticos se casaram neste 11 de novembro de 2011 em todo o continente convencidos de que data (11/11/11) trará um futuro feliz e muita sorte, muitos fizeram questão e enfrentaram g...
Marching On 5 Mar 2012 | 10:00 pm
Wanted: Caption What would you suggest? Mondays here on Secondary Roads are frequently devoted to tales of our cat, Midnight. He was a feral kitten that lived in our barn with his mother and three l...
Calculate Account Level Requirements 5 Jan 2012 | 09:11 am
Data Transfer Calculator and Explanation Of Bandwidth Usage ( live streaming ) Streaming Media Bandwidth Usage Calculator Enter the numbers below to calculate the approximate amount of bandwidth usa...
Friske adresser fra Grontmij 24 May 2011 | 02:12 pm
Endnu en gang har Grontmij (tidligere Grontmij | Carl Bro) sponsoreret et dugfrisk datasæt til, så de nyeste adresser igen kan findes på kortet. Der bliver derudover løbende opdateret inte...
En Smiley om dagen… 19 Oct 2010 | 02:43 pm
Smiley-siden bliver nu opdateret dagligt med Fødevarestyrelsens data. Fødevarestyrelsen har nu i mange år stillet rå data for kontrolresultater til rådighed, hvilket er årsagen til at Findvejs Smiley...
Bestsellers phone brand in Indonesia 27 Mar 2012 | 10:39 pm
Bestsellers phone brand in Indonesia - Based on data reported by IDC, on Tuesday (3/27/2012), the following five mobile phone vendors are the most widely hunted in Indonesia.NokiaAlthough many new bra...
C Tutorial – Operators in C 25 May 2008 | 08:43 pm
An operator is a symbol that operates on a certain data type and produces the output as the result of the operation. In C, you can combine various operators of similar or different categories and perf...
C Tutorial – Constants, Variables and Data Type Modifiers 25 May 2008 | 07:46 pm
Constant A constant can be defined as “a quantity that does not change during the execution of a programâ€. Program Output 10 Here we are declaring a variable a with its initial value 10. 10 he...