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More strong irish boy names related news:
Baby Names 30 Apr 2012 | 06:13 am
Baby Boy Names Rank Name Gender Meaning 1 Isabella Girl My God is a vow 2 Jacob Boy Supplanter; held... 3 Sophia Girl Wisdom 4 Jayden Boy N/A 5 Ethan Boy Strong, firm, im... ...
Fun Facts Ireland 25 Jun 2011 | 12:07 am
The last Irish census came up with the fact that Sean was the most popular boys name and Emma was the most popular girl’s name. Ireland has no death penalty. Shannon became the world’s first duty fr...
how I want my daughter to look 7 Jun 2013 | 05:20 pm
I was so sure I was having a boy. I’d even given my baby a boy name, and I talked to my belly and told him he was a great son. A strong, noble, excellent son. People said, “A mother knows…” and … Cont...
Irish Slaves 12 Dec 2011 | 07:22 am
My name is Dominic Mooney and I ran in the last general election in Dublin South Central as I felt very strongly about the issues outlined below. The Irish people elected a government to govern our c...
hometown beating 4 Nov 2006 | 04:31 am
I'm a hometown boy. Always have been. I grew up in a small town with strong family roots and people everywhere knowin' my name. I would probably still be in my hometown had I not been gay. I left hom...
Saturday Morning Salutations From Jules! (currently gathering Irish names) 7 Mar 2010 | 04:04 am
Oh, Irish Love!!!! I REALLY, REALLY love me little boy! Although he can be such a brat. He is me son and me love him lots. He went to the vet yesterday for his tummy troubles. They drew some bloo...
Hafizuddin Azam 30 Jan 2013 | 10:04 am
Hafizuddin Azam is baby name combination for a boy baby.The meaning of names Hafizuddin Azam is The Son who protect religion and have a strong will Name : Hafizuddin Azam Gender : Boy (Laki-laki) Engl...
Azam Amiruddin 30 Jan 2013 | 10:04 am
Azam Amiruddin is baby name combination for a boy baby.The meaning of names Azam Amiruddin is The boy who have a strong will as a religious leader Name : Azam Amiruddin Gender : Boy (Laki-laki) Englis...
Monthly Limerick Performance in Sport Award winners announced 26 Aug 2013 | 02:48 pm
A rising star of Irish Mountain Biking and the Limerick Lakers U17 Boys Basketball Team have been named as the winners of the Performance in Sport Award for June and July.
Monthly Limerick Performance in Sport Award winners announced 26 Aug 2013 | 02:51 pm
A rising star of Irish Mountain Biking and the Limerick Lakers U17 Boys Basketball Team have been named as the winners of the Performance in Sport Award for June and July. 14-year-old Leah Maunsell f...