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Take Your Practice from Occasional to Occupational this September 21 Aug 2013 | 06:15 am
The next 200 Hour teacher training begins September 10th. Learn more about this life changing 12-week program at Master Class with Michelle on Sept. 7th, 3-5PM
Alumni Profile: Nick Palladino 14 Aug 2013 | 05:55 am
Curious about teacher training? Check out what our alumni are doing! YGSF 200-Hour Teacher Training Graduate Nick Palladino was recently featured in Yoga with Nick Palladino of Stonestown YMCA on As...
More Yoga class related news:
A Canine Coup 28 Apr 2012 | 07:01 pm
In Los Angeles, a town smitten with dogs, the four-legged friends are enjoying ever-expanding privileges. In addition to doggie yoga classes, doggie spas, doggie bakeries, and doggie birthday parties,...
Alyssa Milano leaving yoga class in Woodland Hills (March 29, 2011) 30 Mar 2011 | 11:31 pm
Welcome to Find Yoga Now! 29 Aug 2011 | 03:10 pm is the only website that finds local yoga classes that suit your needs. Whether you’re looking to stretch, relax, gain flexibility, get in shape, or get in touch with your spiritual si...
pilates san diego 21 Mar 2012 | 12:34 am
Pilates has the stretching benefits of a yoga class & the strengthening of a gym routine. This type 49 Vote(s)
New Yoga classes for 2012 28 Dec 2011 | 05:52 am
New Yoga Classes for 2012 – Starting Tuesday February 21st @ ”The Scout Hut” (Next to Martin Heath Hall) Christchurch Lane, Lichfield. Power Yoga – “Yoga with a little attitude” Tuesday 6.30 – 7.30pm...
yoga classes 2012 28 Dec 2011 | 05:50 am
10 Reasons Why Men Should Practice Yoga 16 Dec 2011 | 03:00 am
Yoga has become one of those fitness disciplines that modern society associates which just women having a go at. If you see a yoga class at your local sports centre then you are likely to see mostly w...
Yoga Class 18 Mar 2011 | 03:02 am
Thursday 18th March 24 hours after wheat conversation I feel clearer than ever – as always she has worked her magic and I am moving forward – I am however going to more careful at reading the labels ...
The Way You Are 11 Dec 2011 | 09:49 pm
by Jeff Martens as spoken (with minor edits) in L2 Yoga Class 11/30/11 You are the way you are because you tell yourself you are that way. –Don Juan to Carlos Castaneda Notice how you are feeling r...
Why Join the Iyengar Yoga Association? 7 Apr 2012 | 08:42 am
Did you know that taking Iyengar Yoga classes in Houston makes you part of a world-wide community network? And when you join the Iyengar Yoga Association, you enjoy these tangible benefits: A subscri...