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Anak Pun Perlu Dijaga Ketika Petang Menjelang 23 Nov 2010 | 04:19 am

Matahari senja baru saja tenggelam di ufuk barat. Malam pun merambat datang sementara kegelapan perlahan mulai menyelimuti bumi. Tampak beberapa anak kecil sedang bermain, berkejaran di pekarangan seb...

Pilihlah Boneka untuk Anakmu 22 Nov 2010 | 03:22 pm

Oleh: Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Shâlih Al-`Uthaimîn at al. Tanya: Ada beragam boneka, di antaranya yang terbuat dari kapas yang memiliki kepala, dua tangan, dan dua kaki. Ada pula yang sempurna menyer...

Pilihlah Pakaian untuk Putrimu 21 Nov 2010 | 05:00 am

Oleh: Asy-Syaikh Muhammad ibn Shâlih Al-’Utsaimîn rahimahullâh Soal: Sebagian wanita, semoga Allah memberikan hidayah kepada mereka, memakaikan pakaian pendek yang memperlihatkan betis kepada anak-a...

Doa Ketika Terkejut 20 Nov 2010 | 07:10 pm

Adik-adik, tahukah kamu apa yang hendaknya diucapkan ketika kamu melihat sesuatu yang mengejutkan? “Aduh kaget aku…!” atau “Astaga naga..!” Barakallahu fiikum. Bukan itu yang diucapkan ketika kita ter...

Jaga Anakmu dari Pandangan Mata Jahat 19 Nov 2010 | 05:05 pm

‘Pandangan mata’ ternyata bukan perkara remeh. Darinya, bisa muncul berbagai macam bahaya atau kejelekan bagi yang dipandang. Sekilas memang tak masuk akal, namun banyak kenyataan menunjukkan sebalikn...

Find football tickets on ticketamerica.com 16 Nov 2010 | 01:02 pm

Football is one type of popular sport in the world. If you love watching sporting events, there is good news for you. To purchase tickets for competitions or concerts is not difficult anymore, there i...

Merchant Account Provider 28 Oct 2010 | 06:23 pm

One time you might need a merchant account provider, try to do research on society and a positive outlook on merchant account provider you plan to do business with to obtain. Not all merchant account ...

atv tires 24 Oct 2010 | 07:06 pm

Someone asked about the condition of your car, whether you’re someone who has a car with tires that big? Usually this car specifically for people who have an adventurous spirit and sports cars that us...

Chandler az Real Estate 23 Oct 2010 | 12:40 am

One good question to ask, you have a plan to move in a new environment and find the resort home? Stop looking too far. Considered the best sights in luxury lifestyle in the area in Ancala Scottsdale, ...

ShopWiki AU 20 Oct 2010 | 04:43 pm

If you are asked, how often your online shopping? Are you sure the product you purchase? How do you ensure that the product is really suitable to the needs you want. People are always afraid to use on...

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