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Wordless Wednesday- Stages 27 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm

Kindergarten, Middle School, High School Last week we sent Mariah off to high school. Looking back on the stages of her school years is a bit bittersweet. In 4 short years we will be adding her colle...

Kroc Fest 26 Aug 2013 | 07:45 am

Our community center threw it's second annual summer festival last week. Since we are regulars at Zumba, the instructor asked us to come out to get people motivated to join in the Zumba portion of the...

The Ultimate Life Giveaway #TheUltimateLife 25 Aug 2013 | 09:24 am

Life. It's something we have all be gifted with. How we live our lives and determine which paths we chose are solely up to us. Do we want to have a successful career and make a lot of money, or do we ...

Wordless Wednesday~ Skydeck 22 Aug 2013 | 10:54 pm

We decided to hop on the Skydeck at the Willis (Sears) Tower in Chicago. I am terrified of heights, so I even surprised myself I was able to step on without passing out.

Crazy Dog T-Shirts Review & Giveaway 22 Aug 2013 | 08:08 pm

I love fashion, but I find most days that I love to just throw on a tee shirt and jeans. If you have been around here long enough, you know that I am a sucker for graphic, character, and just plain si...

Does My Child Need a Tutor? 22 Aug 2013 | 08:45 am

Image from It is that time of year again: back to school. Commercials tout the message with their neon backpacks and converse sneakers. In the stores, markers and notebooks ar...

Chicago! 19 Aug 2013 | 07:28 am

We go to Chicago quite often, but usually with a specific destination in mind- baseball games, museums, the zoo. Those trips usually fill out our day there. However, since we were only going to be spe...

Museum of Science & Industry 17 Aug 2013 | 09:15 am

A few weeks back I won some tickets to Chicago's Museum of Science & Industry from my friend Rosey's Blog. I was so excited because I have not been to that museum yet. We go to Chicago quite often, bu...

Standing Up DVD Giveaway #StandingUp 17 Aug 2013 | 09:01 am

We hear so much about bullying nowadays. I can not imagine how hard it is to grow up in today's society. When I was in school some kids got picked on from time to time (myself included), but it was ne...

Diamond Candles Review & Giveaway! 15 Aug 2013 | 09:01 am

When I was a little girl I remember begging my mom for a box of that caramel popcorn that had a prize inside. I would also base my cereal picks for the week based on what kind of toy I might find in t...

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