Wordpress - mybrandedlife.wordpress.com - MyBrandedLife(TM)

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Psychographic profile: I am teh ghost of a dead blog 25 Oct 2010 | 09:35 am

I am the ghost of a dead blog booooo did i scare u? hope so. y’all woke me up from ‘the dreamless sleep’. am pissed y’all. what do y’all think i died 4??? just want 2 die. tired of bein ‘zany ‘n...

capetowngirl is down 21 Apr 2010 | 02:42 am

temporarily. our server crashed , so we’re moving it to a new one. it should be up in a day or so. appreciate y’alls mails y’ulz. working on it, promise.

Twitter Imposter 26 Feb 2010 | 07:50 pm

Just so y’all know, my old Twitter account (MyBrandedLifeTM) has been hijacked! So if you see someone tweeting at MBLTM, it’s not me. I am now @CapeTown_Girl. And that’s that.

the new project: Cape Town Girl 22 Feb 2010 | 11:11 pm

Go check it out y’all! Still early days but whatevs! Is ‘just the beginning’.

y’all, this is it. 19 Feb 2010 | 10:47 pm

This is it y’all. Y’all is time 4 me to ‘hit the proverbial demerol’ via some shady docbro and ‘accidentally commit suicide’ via intentionally ‘leaving this world’ and ‘quitting the game while i am a...

MyBrandedRetrospective part 2 18 Feb 2010 | 03:21 am

Ah Y’ulz. All teary-eyed this morning. Was remembering that one time, at Brand Camp. Miss y’ulz. Kinda reminds me of when Jupies sold out to WPP which made me first consider ‘selling my personal brand...

MyBrandedRetrospective part 1 16 Feb 2010 | 09:13 pm

Y’ulz getting all nostalgic about all the good times we’ve had here together. Now that MBLTM is ‘coming to a close’ via ‘transforming into a new blog’, I feel it’s only appropriate to run y’all throug...

Y’alls, we need 2 talk. 13 Feb 2010 | 07:24 am

I have a confession my frendz. I am not ‘who y’ulz think I am’. Well, maybe in some ways. But the truth is, there is more to me than jus’ ‘building a personal brand’ and being a ‘sarky l’il jaded semi...

Y’alls, we need 2 talk. 13 Feb 2010 | 02:24 am

I have a confession my frendz. I am not ‘who y’ulz think I am’. Well, maybe in some ways. But the truth is, there is more to me than jus’ ‘building a personal brand’ and being a ‘sarky l’il jaded … Co...

Obsessin’ over ur BlackBerry makes ur Personal Brand look poor. 10 Feb 2010 | 06:38 am

Jus’ saying y’alls. I’m real sorry u can’t afford 2 pay 4 ur internet but pls don’t ‘pretend it’s a plus’. Maybe y’alls can apply 4 ‘government aids’. Remember 2 ‘use a condom’ (y’all know gov is ‘dow...

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